Running for the GRAMMY©

“It would be the first time ever for Ethiopia, even to have a nomination. Ethiopia pays the price of never been colonized :-)!!” (Gabriella Ghermandi)


“Ethiopia” is under consideration for “Best World Music Album” and “Best Regional Roots Album”. “Ethiopia” is a captivating collection of songs from Italian-Ethiopian writer, storyteller and singer, Gabriella Ghermandi with a definite mission. “Ethiopia” brings together Italian and Ethiopian musicians to foster mutual dialogue and artistic creation, and provides an extraordinary slice of Ethiopian history using traditional instruments and Gabriella’s exquisite voice.

You are invited to listen to “Ethiopia” by Gabriella Ghermandi and to find out some more about this unique recording.

For more info on Gabriella Ghermandi – writer, singer, performer, have a
look at:

Enjoy Gabriella and Atse Tewodros Project on stage:

Promo (2015)

Che belew

Tew belew


The songs in “Ethiopia” are stories of magical encounters with Ethiopian & Italian musicians, intellectuals, poets, composers and ordinary people. “Ethiopia” is a collective work of love and inspiration of the strength of the human spirit as embodied by Ethiopian freedom fighters and Ethiopian Emperor, Atse Tewodros.

Emperor Atse Tewodros (1818–1868) broke the age-old tradition of rule through royal lineage known as “Zemene Mesafint”, Ethiopian for “rule of princes”, taking power as a military leader of great strength, charisma and conviction. Tewodros II ruled Ethiopia from 1855 until his death in 1868. Historically his reign is referenced as the beginning of modern Ethiopia. Atse Tewodros succeeded in rallying Ethiopians away from internal conflicts to fight the larger external threat of colonialism. Tewodros” legacy as one of Ethiopia”s greatest freedom fighters is greatly celebrated by Gabriella in “Ethiopia”.

Says Gabriella in her own words, “I wanted to bring the Ethiopian traditional instruments to the world, give them visibility… Ethiopian music naturally goes from folk to blues to jazz, remaining very traditional at the same time.”


  • Featured Album WRIR FM, USA: Bill Lupoletti: “This is one of the most original, rooted and compelling recordings I’ve heard recently. Kudos to all involved.”
  • “A characteristic voice, sensitive musical arrangements between exotic and traditional, exquisite sounds.” Westzeit
  • “Another collaboration worth looking into is by Ethiopian singer Gabriella Ghermandi, whose work has now evolved into a kind of jazz fusion with Italian musicians.” Bangkok Post
  • “A seamless blend of European and Ethiopian musicians, the juxtaposition of the traditional with the modern results in a complex yet accessible music that’s the perfect vehicle for Ghermandi’s commanding vocals.” R2
  • “A powerful and inspirational album.” Nubiart Diary
  • DJ Ritu, Presenter from “A World in London”: “Gabriella Ghermandi’s impassioned lyrics and love-fused music have culminated in a superb & refreshing … an exciting new chapter for East African music…” Interview with DJ Ritu from “A World in London”

For more information, please contact Angie Lemon

2016 Gabriella Ghermandi © All rights reserved.